Project Description

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>> Van-life-SONNENGLAS <<

Sonnenglas® is an innovative solar lantern handmade in our own fair trade project in Johannesburg, South Africa. This project has provided secure employment for 65 previously unemployed people. The solar lantern consists of a glass jar and a high-tech solar panel that can also function as a self-sufficient light source. Its slim and ingenious design makes it a perfect lighting solution for people on the go: Sonnenglas® is an emission-free, reliable, independent and, above all, safe light source. It is very popular both as an indoor and outdoor light, and often comes with custom decorations. As many sustainable materials as possible are used in its manufacture, such as the world’s first certified solder.

  • market entry: 2022
  • target group: fans of outdoor activities, sustainability, camping, solar power, decoration and nature
  • partner: Studio Scazziga